ACCESS Community Capital FundWhat we do:
Small Business Loans
Our business clients have great ideas but are held back because of poor credit or a lack of assets. We offer low-interest loans to give emerging entrepreneurs access to the capital they need for success. They’re also matched with a free coach to ensure their business is backed with a solid plan.
Women’s Business Accelerator
Our free workshop series equips newcomer women with the tools they need to build a profitable business—and economic independence.
Foreign Credential Recognition Loans
Internationally-trained professionals are armed with skills that our community needs, yet accreditation costs and a lack of credit history keep far too many underemployed. By helping educated newcomers re-launch their careers we create a better future for them—and the Canadians who will benefit from their services.
Education and outreach
Through our workshops and speaker series, we provide education on personal finance and managing debt to create long-term financial well-being. Contact us if you’d like to collaborate!
Our impact
Our clients report increased self-confidence, skills development, improvement in credit rating, and reduced debt. ACCESS loans create financial inclusion: by partnering with banks and credit unions, our clients can establish or improve their credit rating, opening the door to future economic opportunities.